The kids are growing and changing. Moments I never, ever want to forget but I know I will. You think you wont, but you do. So I love having this little blog to remind me, it's priceless to me and even though Im not caught up on it, I do have 2 years printed into blog books. I just wanted to dedicate one post to the kids (even though most posts are about them!) but just small details I dont often write about :)
Hannah- 4 years old
I am LOVING four. She is a little person not a toddler or baby. She understands, she listens better, and she truly shows her love and affection for things. She's still strong willed but I think it is going to pay off :)
She is VERY into games right now. We play Go Fish, Guess Who, Chutes and Ladders, Operation, she could play all day long. And she is GOOD! She beats Jeremy at Guess Who all the time. And he hates losing so he never intentionally lets her win :)
She's getting MUCH better about her sensory issues. We can get dressed without so much drama...she will actually wear leggings and not throw a fit ha ha! We had a rough time at age 2 & 3. Did I ever write about how I had to warm her clothes up in the dryer before preschool in KY? Those were mornings I literally laid on the floor crying because Hannah was screaming that her clothes were too cold. We dont have that issue now, but imagine how hot the car gets in the summer in Vegas...yep...I can NEVER cool it off fast enough, and its not even in the 100's yet!
She's hilarious. She says the funniest things. I laugh constantly with her and at her, and she knows it. Some days she likes it and other days I think it embarrasses her. She says things that I know I should correct but I dont want to because thats just her. She says "woofing" instead of barking and its adorable.
She plays and plays and plays. The girl can go and go. She doesnt nap & literally is the energizer bunny. We're working on getting her to play better alone while Owen naps but she could run for hours. She is into flipping and dancing and signing, so gymnastics is in our future!
She talks alot, she asks alot of questions, she plays school, she reads, she loves to learn, she just GOES. She told me she wanted to be a teacher when she grows up- I did too when I was young and it just made my heart burst. I LOVE that she already has the love of learning.
She LOVES Owen. And is the best big sister. They may fight like cats and dogs but she loves that kid more than life itself.
She has the kindest heart. She tells me when someone wasnt being nice or if someone was saying something they shouldnt. We have lots of "big girl" conversations. We talk about right and wrong things. What lying and cheating mean. What we do if someone isnt being nice to us. And we talk about the right and wrong words to say. I love that she cares about right and wrong.
The other day I was reading to her and she said, I want to be you. I said why, she said because you can read and I want to read. I told her she'd be reading in no time. I hope she always looks up to me!
She is SO close to tying her shoes. She will have it in no time. Im so proud of the things she learns and knows. She has always been so smart.
She has an incredible imagination. When she is playing well by herself in the playroom I hear her telling stories about her baby dolls or other things. She makes up the FUNNIEST stories. She gives every doll, stuffed animal, horse, etc a name and a story. I want her to just imagine forever. Some of her stories remind me of my sister...all too well!
I am forever thankful I have a daughter. I love the things we will get to do together. Even if its just her and I upstairs for bath time or anything, she'll say "Its girls day up here!". She loves girls day & she loves hanging with mom. We say I love you ALOT. I think its so important. I'll tell her, I love you and she says love you. I say, forever? She says yes. I say, even when you're 16???? I sure hope its still the same in 12 years! I know we have tough years ahead but we are doing our best to raise her to be kind and loving.
She still calls out for me in the middle of the night. Usually between 2-3 am. I dont really mind. I go in there and she says, "snuggle me". ALWAYS, Hannah, always.
Owen- 23 months
WILD. One word, WILD. He is ALL BOY and out to destroy! We look at eachother and shake our heads, alot!
I cant even believe he is almost 2. Time has literally flown by.
Hannah and I will look at eachother and say, Owen is crazy! He loves Hannah just as much as she loves him. I have absolutely LOVED watching them together. They really can fight like cats and dogs. And its more of them just picking at eachother, some days they cannot keep their hands off eachother. And last night we decided they could not bathe together anymore! Its too much work!!
Owen is a total Owen. His name just suits him. He has the biggest grin and the two biggest front teeth and he really is happy most of the time. As long as he has a full cup of milk (Ive never seen a kid drink so much milk) then he is a happy camper.
He loves to play but really its one big mission to destroy. He is constantly walking around looking for something to get into. If only I could get him to clean up his messes :)
He sleeps great. He wakes about 6:30-7 and naps at 1:00 everyday. Some days we have to wake him at 4:30! Some days he wakes between 3-4 but most days the tiny tornado sleeps 3 hours. Im not going to lie, Im extremely thankful for that! Then he goes to bed about 8 pm. Hannah always has to give him like 10 kisses and hugs before he goes down and he just giggles so loud when she gets close to him.
He is a total lover. I would say he is a mama's boy but here lately he's been cuddling up with Jeremy alot. He will cuddle for a few minutes in the morning but then he is up playing until he crashes again. We have two kids who do not stop!
Although he doesnt say very much, he is a smart kid. He knows exactly what we mean when we say things and does everything we ask, unless he just doesnt want to! He can be stubborn and strong willed too but for the most part he is such a sweet boy.
Since Ive been able to stay home with him, he's gotten VERY attached. I mean if I head toward the back door he starts screaming thinking Im going to leave him. We have a hard time dropping him off at church or my MOPS group. He'll get better, but I know its because we spend so much time together :)
He's very good at animal sounds and does say lots of things but I know boys talk later than girls. I think its because he has a big sister who talks for him most of the time ha ha. She'll say, Owen wants this or Owen needs this. She's always so aware of what he needs. He knows the motions to songs and has mastered the NetFlix button on our remote. ha ha.
His smile and laugh is contagious. I love when he sleeps but most days cant wait to see his face when he wakes. I sometimes just catch myself staring at how cute he is.
He loves being naked and is in a stage where he loves sitting on the potty. For no other reason than to be naked :) Im sure we are no where near potty training.
He is not the best in he is picky and doesnt eat much at all. Some days I wonder how he has the energy to function because he doesnt eat too much. But of course neither does Hannah! I tell Jeremy almost every night that Im done making meals for them lol They just dont eat hardly ANYTHING.
He is a precious child, who makes me forever thankful I have the mother/son bond with a precious little boy. One who is turning into a little blondie too!
So this post was more for me than anyone else :) but I forget to write about them and their personalities and what they are doing. I love having pictures of them but I'll have those forever. I know I'll eventually forget some of these things and that makes me sad. These two kids are my life and there are days I cannot squeeze them hard enough and them some days where bedtime cant come soon enough. But everything is good. God is good and we are forever thankful for these two children.
The days are long, but the years are short. Their child like belly laughs will fade and so will their chubby baby hands. If only they could stay young forever, but I know there is SO much more to look forward too!