Sunday, February 21, 2010

one month & a road trip!

Our little babe is one month!! I cant believe it! I just dont know where the time has gone! She has already changed so much in a month, and I look forward to all the new changes as we approach month 2!
We celebrated Hannah's one month birthday with a road trip to Lexington to visit Alex. It was her first road trip :) She slept through the whole thing! The car puts her right to sleep- which is fine by me! We picked Alex up, went to our favorite Lexington Mexican restaurant and braved the Lexington traffic (worst traffic I have ever seen!) so Alex could get a haircut and some new spring clothes! We had a lot of fun!
Getting ready for our road trip!! Where is my bow mom??
Alex & Hannah in Lexington
One Month Old and Looking SO much older!!!
Sleeping beauty!!
We even picked up a toy for Ruby while we were out- by the end of the night our whole family room was covered in this! Id love to find a toy she cant destroy!!


Kim said...

She looks so OLD!!!!!! I can't wait to see her again..... When the weather gets better i am on my way!

Granmommy & Gramps said...

Hannah you are a girl of a thousand faces! How can a one month old have so many looks- and all of them adorable!
We can't imagine life without you!
Those newborn clothes are almost history!