Hannah is 14 months old today- oh my has she been up to a lot!!! I don't think I ever did a real 12 month post and missed 13 months all together!
She is a BUSY Girl! She doesn't stop for anyone! She LOVES to play! She loves other children and will just watch them wherever we are!
She is hilarious! She really and truly has the funniest personality! Its like she is always putting on a show! She makes hysterical faces and loves to show off her little teeth!
She isnt too cuddly anymore- I dont think this will be the child that will grab her blankie and cuddle in my lap!
Instead she wants to find anything dangerous and play with it :)
We are working on saying several words with her- of course they dont sound too much like real words. She LOVES putting the phone up to her ear and saying, "Hiiii Daaaa". Its adorable!! If she doesnt have a phone she just uses her hand!
If we say, "What does a dog say" she says "pffff" (thats her wuff!). When Ruby starts barking I tell Hannah, What do we say to Ruby and she goes "shhhh" with her little finger in front of her mouth! And that is adorable too! I realize I'm biased :)
I just watch in awe everyday how much she is learning. Its so neat that even though she cannot speak she understands what I say. Where is your drink? Where is your paci? Where is your baby? She looks for those things right away!
She is working very hard to use her spoon- she grabs it from us and puts the piece of food on it and very quickly brings it to her mouth. Usually she does that very fast and the piece of food falls in her lap! (I feel so bad when we leave restaurants!)
She helps me buckle her in to her carseat- she knows right where her arms go!
She is learning "shoes" & "socks" in sign language and loves picking up her shoes and attempting to put them on her feet.
I guess I could go on and on about all the things she is learning- but I just love it! You can see how proud she is when she does something new!
At 14 months:
she is wearing anywhere from mostly 18-24 month clothes- we do have some 12 month items still lingering around but for the most part she has kept her rolly figure :)
We moved up to size 4 diapers
No more BOTTLE! WHOO HOOO!! We do still have 3 in the cabinet (we hate to be unprepared!) but we boxed all of the others. Im not gonna lie- as bad as I wanted her off the bottle- it was kind of sad to see them go. I put them in the box and Jeremy said- does that make you sad? And actually- it really did. She is NOT a baby anymore. She does such grown up things!
She still loves the bath but hates having her hair washed. She usually cries through the last part of the bath!
She doesnt really like to be rocked to sleep anymore- and that definitely went away when the bottle did. Now we just lay her down. I try reading to her but she is not that interested- maybe in a few months. Lord knows how often our routines change!
She thinks its hilarious to be chased- especially by Ruby! I will say- Ruby has gotten so much better and they really are too cute together!
Im not sure how much she weighs right now but man is she heavy!! Especially after she eats- Whew! That little belly sticks out so far!
She has 6 teeth mostly all the way in and 2 MOLARS popping through! Yikes!
She is sleeping great though and really eating great! No more baby food for this baby!
The past 14 months have been amazing- We have learned so much- not only about Hannah but about each other. We have been given such an amazing gift-and to us she is absolutely perfect!!
I am SO lucky to be her mother and so thankful that I get to be!!
Its hard to watch my baby grow up but it gets more fun everyday! She truly makes our hearts melt every single day! Still at 14 months I cannot wait to get her out of her crib. On the mornings that we are both home at the same time when she wakes up- we LOVE going in to get her together. She just looks up at us and smiles. Moments like those are truly perfect.
This was the best picture I could get on Jeremy's phone today- she didnt stop moving once! Except she did take a great nap! Then my mom kept her for a while so we could work on
"staging" the house! That is a big job!!! (and its SO hard for me to box up pictures!)
How to Build a Coffee Table with Turned Legs
2 months ago
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