I havent blogged in forever! I guess between cleaning for house showings, work, and other things on our calendars I havent had the time to sit and write!
Ill make up for it in June- our calendar looks wide open and I am so glad about that! I am looking forward to pool days and playing outside!
Hannah is 16 months and we have truly enjoyed every second. She brings so much joy to our lives we often wonder what we did without her. She is our entertainment for sure!
When I was little my nickname was "busy" and boy does Hannah get it honest! The girl doesnt stop moving!! This will not be the child who wants to sit, snuggle and watch a movie- I think she would rather be out playing in the dirt :) No really, I think we have a tomboy on our hands! She is so inquisitive and more interested in pulling things out of the wall than sitting and playing with baby dolls. (Jeremy is so glad!) That's all right by me but she can be a tomboy with a bow in her hair :)
At 16 months she:
Is wearing anywhere from 18-24 month clothes, some 2T's...Although Im not sure how much she weighs now
She has 11 teeth, including 4 huge molars! Im thinking she is getting a couple more by the way she has been drooling and her emotional little outbursts :)
She LOVES music- its funny because she really always has loved music. On the way to daycare I play her CD and she claps and does all the hand movements! She loves doing the itsy bitsy spider, if your happy and you know it, twinkle twinkle little star, and row row your boat. She learns so much at daycare and Im pretty sure circle time is the only time that girl sits still :)
She is still pretty picky but is doing pretty good with food. She loves blueberries- which is great because I love them too!
She still loves her bunny and every morning we have the same routine. I get her out of the crib (she has to have bunny on the changing table snuggled up to her neck) then we get dressed and then once we are ready to go downstairs I say, "lets say goodbye to bun bun" and she grabs bun bun and puts her right back into the crib. Its adorable. If only saying bye to the paci would be that easy!
She loves ruby!! She loves Ruby so much that she will push all her toys under the gate for Ruby to play with. Which usually ends up in Ruby chewing something up.
She is still going to bed about 6:30 and sleeping 12 hours. When she is ready, she is ready! Just like me! If we say are you ready to go to bed she will walk over to the stairs.
She knows most of her body parts- head, toes, ears, nose, eyes, teeth and so on! We usually quiz her everyday!
Really wants to start feeding herself. She loves grabbing the spoon while we are feeding her yogurt or oatmeal. Its a little messy but this morning I think she fed herself half of the oatmeal. Miss independent!!!
She had her second haircut this week! Her hair is CURLY!!
She says Momma, dada, hi, duck, and oh- I think once she really starts talking she wont stop!
I could go on and on but most importantly she is healthy and such a sweet little girl. I dont want her to get any older. I already miss the sweet newborn days! However 16 months has been so much fun!! She learns something new everyday and never ceases to amaze us! That girl is a little sponge!! We love this girl more than we thought possible!!
Feeding herself applesauce!
this is a bad, blurry picture but I love her face here. She loves my dad so much- she always reaches for him when we go over there. She loves sitting on their bed and playing with Gramps! (He loves it too!)
I love this video. she laughs and laughs when Jeremy does this. Those two are so adorable they make my heart smile!! (its so funny because most of my video clips end in me gasping because Hannah usually falls!!)
she was so done with me taking her picture!
How to Build a Coffee Table with Turned Legs
2 months ago
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