We love you more than words can say. Thank you for loving us.

And now onto a little bit about what you are doing these days:
You are going to sleep anywhere between 7:30 and 9:00- which is too late for your parents! Ha ha! If you fall asleep later than normal we are right behind you! You wake up around 6:30 or so. Sometimes on the weekend you let us sleep until 7.
You are wearing anywhere from 2T to 3T clothing.
You are 33 pounds and almost 35 inches tall
You are in size 5 diapers...but you dont love having your diaper changed anymore. You would rather be doing lots of other things! Hopefully that means you will be easy to potty train.
Youre two absolute favorites are your paci and your bunny. You cannot do anything without those two!
You LOVE Mickey Mouse and Elmo and your favorite song right now is Wheels on the Bus. But you love all music in general.
You could play HARD all day long. You love being tossed around, rolling around on the floor and even getting tickled. You even tickle yourself and laugh and laugh. Its pretty funny!
Your middle name should be "more". You want more of everything!
You are a little better eater but we are always prepared with a bag full of snacks. One day you will eat something and the next day you wont. You love fruit, cheese and yogurt.
You are a wild little girl most of the time but then I can look over at you and you will be gently rocking your babies or reading to them. Its the sweetest sight in the world!
You say everything imaginable and so many things we may not understand. I absolutely LOVE listening to you talk. I love when you read a book to us or talk on a cell phone. You have very funny conversations!
You have some of the funniest words for things- here are a few of my favorites:
Paci- Papaish (that is pronounced with a russian accent) We have NO idea where this came from. If I ask you to say paci you always say papaish and will even have a very serious conversation with me about it!
Bunny- My My. No clue again...
Gramps (my dad)- are you ready for this?? She calls him Meat. OMG. I have no words.
Hot- for something that is very hot- you look at it and point and say "berry hot".
We taught Hannah to say "I love you" but in a bear growl voice. And we also taught her to say "I love you" like a mouse. So she says I love you in a growl voice and I love you in a high pitched mouse squeal. Its adorable and hilarious. She is a mess!!
One of my MOST favorite conversations to have with Hannah goes like this, "I love you. She says, Love you. I say forever, and she says, eva. I say, love you like a bear- and she growls I love you. I say love you like a mouse, and she squeals I love you." Its one of my favorite things about every day :)
There are so many more things I could say about you but most of all you just love having fun! And we love everything about you! I have a feeling your teenage years are going to be interesting :)
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