2013 was a big, different year for us. And as one year comes to an end, another one begins. Its fun and can be emotional to look back on all the ups and downs of one year. It makes you appreciate everything and think about what you want to do and accomplish in the upcoming year. I dont mind getting older. It gives us another year to become a better version of ourselves!
This year I learned (well, I actually already knew) that my little family of 4 is everything. After we moved to Las Vegas ALL we had was eachother. There were some trying days, there were some really hard days but we are closer than ever. Most days the only people we see are eachother and we have grown very close from this time out here alone.
Ive learned that being able to stay at home has been a gift. I dont miss answering to anyone but my kids ha ha. I love mornings that we get to stay in our pj's til noon. I love that I have gained so much patience because well...I had to. If you had asked me a year ago if I could have been a stay at home mom, I would have said no. But now I can take two kids to walmart, the bank and the DMV and not bat an eye! I never would have attempted that alone in KY :)
Ive learned that taking care of myself and really focusing on my health and happiness makes everything better. As moms we take care of everyone else. I finally got the motivation I needed to take care of myself and now I feel better than I have in a long time. I couldnt imagine not taking care of myself because of how much it has improved so many things for me. I feel better physically, I feel so much better mentally and I just know that I want to be healthier and happier for everyone around me. It has really changed me and Im THANKFUL for that.
Ive learned that making a huge move and leaving everything you know can show you alot of things. How strong you really are, how strong your relationships are and makes you appreciate EVERYTHING about what you have. Its made Jeremy and I stronger in lots of ways. At the end of everyday while we are all 4 sitting in our bed winding the kids down I just stare at all of them and smile. Because they have all made me so much better and they truly are my whole entire world and as ready as I am for bedtime, I could just sit there with them for hours and squeeze all of them :)
I have to say, I did learn things, it was just more of an emphasis on things I already knew. Like how much I love family, friends, and grateful I am for our health, Jeremys job and how HARD that guy works for us. I NEVER want to take that stuff for granted. With all this crazy social media, we hear SO many awful, heartbreaking stories that my heart can just break for people I will never meet.
So 2014 I dont have big goals, I dont have these huge plans or big places I want to go, I just truly want to make everyday count.
I NEVER want to take my family for granted. Cliche- I know but there are days I joke about running away because the kids have been CRAZY but its a joke and I think all moms get to that point at some point. But I want to see the beauty DURING all the crazy, keep calm, and be more patient.
I really want to make more of a point to put the phones, ipads, computers, etc DOWN. We just depend on these things so much that they take over our lives. My goal is to BE PRESENT. Put the social media away and focus on the kids that wont be little for long. We are all guilty of it, but not one thing that someone posts on Facebook is as important as what my kids are telling me, showing me or what they need. I sound like a terrible parent but I swear I dont sit on those things all day long, I just want to focus more on letting that stuff go and just putting it up!
I want to find more things, or one thing that I am truly passionate about for myself. Maybe its not just one thing, I dont have any special talents or something I excel at, but I want to really start being more creative, crafty, just anything other than dishes and laundry :)
I want to make more time for Jeremy and I. We get lost in the shuffle, the laundry, the dishes, being tired, not having babysitters. But I want to really make us stronger than we already are. Watch more movies, have date nights at home, just anything that gets us out of the "mom/dad" role for more than an hour! ha ha!
I do want to see more and do more. We cant go on big fancy trips but I do want to make the most of what is around us. We are out west all alone so we should be taking advantage of the places we can go! Traveling and tips are priceless. Its the stuff that you really remember. I want the kids to remember the fun places we get to see. When we lived in California we always "vacationed" in California and those are trips I remember. They weren't Caribbean trips but they were family vacations Ill never forget!
I want to have more fun, laugh more, be more relaxed, and worry less. I could be a little more patient too :) I just want to enjoy this opportunity and life we've been given. There is SO MUCH to be thankful for and we get caught up in the negative that we forget the beautiful things all around us.
So here's to a beautiful 2014!!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 week ago
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