The Knapps came to spend Thanksgiving with us (& Brock!) and he had messaged me several weeks before saying he was planning to propose here. I racked my brain for weeks to help him come up with a really cool place to propose! After all- when you live in Southern California a Kentucky proposal is not traditional!!
Although Brock wanted to propose early in the week to keep from having to keep a close eye on the most beautiful ring- it actually worked out better for him to propose after Thanksgiving day. Kelly and I suggested proposing at Light up Louisville on Friday night but then we realized how cold Friday was and we thought after a day at the track and dinner out we wouldnt make it to Light up Louisville! So we suggested Churchill Downs. Brock was on board and ready to ask Megan to marry him :)
We had seats indoors (thankfully! It was cold!) but it wasnt a suitable area for a proposal. So we let my dad in on the secret (he is great at this kind of stuff!) So we found the nicest girl at guest services and she was so kind to offer up a "fake tour" of Churchill for our out of town guests! It was perfect! We had everyone convinced we were taking them on a tour of Churchill (we even got to see where the Queen stayed!) and she took us to the balcony area where Brock was to propose! We walked around acting very interested in our tour guide- she actually had some really neat things to tell us! Did you know the Queen was surrounded by bullet proof glass while she was at the Derby? Me neither!
After we got to the balcony Brock very nonchalantly walked Megan to an area by themselves and got down on one knee!! SOOOOO Sweet! We were all in tears and I was shaking taking pictures!!
Megan and Brock we are SOOO happy for you two and Im so excited about another trip to California next fall!!