Friday, February 22, 2013

9 months old.

Big things are happening for this 9 month old! Crawling, pulling up, trying finger foods, saying da da and lots of other babble and waving! The waving is ADORABLE! I forgot how cute it is when they first learn :)
He is not the same baby he was a month or two months ago. Happy and sad! He is squirmy and would rather crawl everywhere! Hates being changed and fights it every time. He is showing his frustration in squeals and screams when you take something away from him, put him down or move him away from something he wants (i.e. little toys he shouldnt have!). He is STILL my sweet little boy but he is definitely growing out of that snuggly baby phase. It has gone way too fast!!
We are still not sleeping through the night...but Id rather Owen wake through the night than Hannah- cause she wont go back down! He sleeps most comfortable rolled to his side. Its really cute. He still loves his paci and loves baths...loves them! He splashes the whole time and then Hannah thinks that is her cue to splash too :) we are introducing some finger foods- blueberries, carrots & some puffs. He loves the finger foods but I'm a crazy person about choking so I'm not ready for it!
I took him on the 8th for his 9 month appointment- weighing in at 21 pounds 4.5 oz, 29.5 in long and a big ol noggin :) One of the movers we had walked into the house and said, "That kids got a big head! He's going to be a football player!" I know Jeremy probably loved that one! One funny thing about him- he hates wearing socks! He always kicks them off. I put them on him on the way to daycare and by the time I get him out of the car- he has kicked them off.
He is in size 4 diapers and mostly 9 month to 12 months clothes. He is eating about 5 oz every 3-3.5 hours and more baby food and now some finger foods. He is just not the eater that Hannah was! He still doesnt have much hair but I love his little soft, bald head :)
Then we ended up back to the dr because he had a fever and tested positive for RSV. I couldnt believe it :( I felt so bad for him. In about 7 hours that poor baby only ate 4 oz. He was miserable. But after breathing treatments and antibiotics for his ear he was on the mend!

 This kid could play with straws all day long!

His smile lights up a room and he could not get more excited when he sees Hannah. He just smiles from ear to ear when he sees her. Its so heartwarming. They are such sweet siblings. He will grab ahold of her hair pretty good sometimes though!
The last 9 months have been busy, exhuasting, joyful and have filled us with so much hapiness. We know he has so much more in store for us!!

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