See, told ya we celebrated for a week! We had cake, ice cream and presents for her on her real birthday and a small little party for her on Friday evening.
The morning of her birthday it was a BIG decision what shirt she would wear. That's one reasons I love her school uniforms!
Maddy had dinner with us for Hannah's birthday. Hannah chose mac n cheese and fruit. I told her she could pick what she wanted!
This gift from Lindsay has been a HIT. She has played school every day since!
Friday afternoon we made her cake her for her party. It was supposed to be 4 little girls and Hannah but her best friend Hannah R from school had pink eye, and Rayah across the street was in a little bit of trouble and couldn't come. Hannah was really disappointed. But Maddy and her sister Abby came and we had pizza, cake, ice cream, pj's and painted nails. It was sweet.
Owen and Abby are a month apart, they are really cute together! Really makes me realize how tall he is.
We had a "pj" party but Hannah is the only one who wouldnt wear pj's!
And just a few of this goofball. He is a nut! the other day I said, "Owen when are you going to go potty on the potty?" His response, "I not." Ok, well at least we know :)
He has pudding all over himself, don't judge.
He has been sleeping AWFUL lately. I have no clue what is going on. He has been up since 2:30 this morning. Its a good thing he is cute!!
And he has been saying some pretty funny things. I asked him to come give me a kiss, and he said, no, I no give you a kiss.
I said, what why??!
He said, cause it be yucky! Well...thanks kid!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 day ago
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