So hard to believe she is SIX! I always felt at 5 they still felt young, then six approached and Im doing ok with it, but seven, just no! I wont be able to handle 7! that just sounds too old!
You are SIX sweet girl!! You are so incredibly beautiful!
You are my strong willed, determined, hard working, school loving girl who LOVES to learn, play and play some more. You LOVE family, you absolutely love your brother but you two fight like crazy. You always look out for him, it is one of the best things I ever get to watch.
She even got to put whip cream ON her frosted cinnamon roll. Then licked off all the whip cream and told me she didnt want the cinnamon roll...of course!
Best friends!
Such a beautiful girl inside and out! You care so much about other people, following the rules and making good choices. You work hard to do right from wrong, you make sure others do too ;) You are such a great student, you have had green on your behavior chart EVERY single day. You love school and love learning, reading and writing. I hope that continues.
Owen and I stopped by with cupcakes, she was SO excited. All her friends wanted to take pictures with her ha ha. They all sang to her, then told me which cupcakes they wanted lol vocal little things!
Shopkins from Aunt Lindsay, you pretty much win when you get her Shopkins!
Crazy to think she has spent half of her life here in Vegas!
You are SO funny. SO full of life. You go and go and go until you can't go anymore. Im not sure where on earth you get the energy! You love playing with friends, and could do it 24/7. Even when you get home from school you just want to keep on playing.
We attempted a layered birthday cake for her, it was her choice! That thing was HUGE. And covered in sprinkles :)
She had an eye doctor appointment on her birthday so after that we had dinner then came home for presents and cake. She had a great day!!
Hannah you are my absolute JOY. Knowing I get you as a daughter forever makes me the happiest mom in the world. You are cautious but brave, you always need time to warm up to something new but then you usually end up loving it. Ive said it before but you are so strong willed and determined to do things your way, you will run some big corporation one day! Under that strong willed, do it your way exterior, you aim to please and want to be good and do the best you can. You try very hard and everything you do. You have a huge zest for life, Ive never seen someone who has so much energy. You are strong, brave, kid, extremely loving, caring and hilarious. I absolutely couldnt even imagine life without you.
Here is to another amazing year Hannah!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 day ago
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