Our sweet baby boy is 3 months! He is truly as sweet as he looks. The past three months have flown by, out of all three babies I think I am enjoying this phase the most. And what I mean by that is not that I am enjoying him the most out of the three kids, but that it has taken me 3 babies to finally relax and enjoy the baby stage. I am truly just grateful for a healthy baby. The rest, doesn't matter. He has restless nights where I feed him every two hours, or days where he gets a little fussy, we are tired, and some days when the trio is a HUGE handful, but I am taking in every single moment. I've had so many "last" firsts already, it breaks my heart! I know soon I'll have a busy toddler so I am definitely enjoying these moments where he isn't on the move!
Looking back at the last three months, a lot has happened! Im going to post (TONS!) of pictures and let them do the talking. He is THE sweetest baby. Once he started smiling he hasn't stopped. I remember the nursery at daycare called Owen "smiley" but Beau is following in his footsteps. He is getting a lot more interested in interaction and looking at toys, finding his hands to his mouth and licking those gums like he can feel something happening in there. At one month he gained almost THREE pounds! He was 11.13 at one month, 13.8 at two months and we think about 16 pds at 3 months! He didn't have a doctor appt so we had Hannah step on the scale with and without him ha ha. He is wearing size 2 diapers, (he grew out of newborns and size one diapers very fast!) and in between 6-9 month clothes. He is laughing so much and Hannah and Owen get the biggest kick out of any sound he makes. We have some precious video. I am doing my best to take more video because I realize how much I love looking back at videos of them. You think you won't forget these moments but you do! He sleeps well as in, around 7 pm he is just done for the night. He wants to be swaddled tight, fed and put in the rock n play and goes to bed. He was sleeping from about 7:30- 3:30 but recently has added in a 1 am feeding....then 3:30ish and 5-5:30. Im getting more tired than have felt but I won't complain. he doesn't cry, he just kinda squeaks, I feed him and he's right back to sleep. He started rolling from belly to back right at 3 months and has rolled "the hard way" as we call it from back to belly once or twice. He is SO strong and isn't a big fan of laying down anymore. He wants to see what brother and sister are doing! I have a feeling he is going to walk early...I hope Im wrong! He does love being held. He isn't big on napping during the day. During the week when we are in and out of the car a lot he will snooze in the car seat but he likes to be held for naps. That is hard with three kids, so once we put him in a swing his eyes literally pop right open. Jeremy has the perfect arm for Beau's naps, he can get him to sleep in seconds in the not I always say he is probably the most kissed baby in the world. We truly kiss this kid all day long. Even Owen, he loves to plant a big juicy one on Beau. Watching these three makes me feel so completely, complete! I find lots of Hannah and Beau selfies on my phone! I will do separate posts on the holidays and between but here is Beau over the past three months!
I already miss those newborn gowns and all the sleepiness!
Owen came up with a new idea for diaper disposal!
And loved sharing his toys with Beau!
Hannah HAS to hold him every single morning before school, usually before she will do anything else!
Beau's first bath, he was not a fan! I won't lie, he definitely doesn't get bathed as much as the other kids did as a baby ha ha
Post bath all snuggled up in his towel!
He has definitely lost a lot of that hair!
he looks so tiny here, he's grown so much already!
One of my favorite gowns and one of my favorite pictures of him
Owen doesn't hold him as much as Hannah, maybe because he can't ever get him away from her but he does love to hold him sometimes!
These three crazy clowns!
looking nice and chubby at 2 weeks!
I mean she literally cannot get close enough to him!
This was our first walk to the park!
All my boys!
Halloween! They went as the "Life Cycle of a Monarch" You have Owen the caterpillar, Beau the perfect Chrysalis and Hannah the butterfly!
He grew so much in a month!
It was haircut day for Owen (he still hates it) so Hannah read to Beau :)
One month check up, gained almost 3 pounds!
Beau sleeps in the rock n play next to our bed. He definitely looks much bigger in it now!
We think he looks a lot more like Hannah
this look was too funny!
Thanksgiving day!
this was about the time he started really smiling for us!
This picture sums up my life ha ha Bathing three kids at once, Sweet Owen checking on Beau and then there is Hannah always messing with Owen. It's a circus!
LOVE those chunky legs peeking through!
I think this was the night he slept EIGHT hours. It happened a few times and now we are back to like every two hours, as long as there isn't any crying, I'll take it!
Someone always makes their way onto his mat with him :) He's never alone that is for sure!
LOVED all of these sweet faces!
2 month check up! I was pretty sure he was about 16 pds ha ha but weighed in at 13 pds 8 oz.
LOVE that big grin.
Mommy, take my picture with Beau and send it to everyone! (We do this daily)
2 month pictures, I failed to get one month pictures with his hat and sticker so we'll just be glad we are even taking them!
Found this blanket for a steal and I love it!
Home for Christmas
Will do tummy time for longer, he's pretty strong.
Big blue eyes, not sure if they'll stay or not!
Found his hands!
Hannah loves it when I bring him to her room in the morning.
SUCH a sweet boy.
We made it to three months!
He is truly as happy as he looks in these pictures!
Beau has acquired several nicknames given to him by all of us, I call him Beau-bear, Hannah came up with Bobas, we also call him Tubbers & tubs, those rolls speak for themselves!
I know so much changes in the next 3 months, he's already found his feet and rolls to his side constantly. The fun is just beginning! Beau we cannot imagine life without you!!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 day ago
1 comment:
I swear he has to be the most darling baby!!!! LOVE this post (okay I love all of them), it makes my heart so happy. So blessed to love you, sweet Beau.
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