Friday, October 21, 2011

an anniversary, a closing and 21 months!

Yesterday was a big day for us! I totally meant to write this yesterday but crashed instead!
Yesterday we closed on our house. Its so bittersweet. I couldnt WAIT to sell it and not have to drive back roads every day and I cant wait to find a house with alot more space but it was also a little emotional to say goodbye. That was the first house we bought as newlyweds. Not only was it our first home together but we had it built so we got to help design it. I remember driving there almost every single day to see the progress they made on it. I have an entire album of our house from slab to finish! Im so glad I have those memories. It was the place we brought our daughter home and raised her for almost 2 years. We have alot of great memories there and we will really miss the cul-de-sac and neighbors. But like all things- its time to move on and find our next LONG term home, because to be honest- moving STINKS! We had alot of help but its still not fun to move! The closing yesterday went very fast and smooth. We are all moved in with my parents and ready to take a short break from home ownership :) As I took a wonderful soak in my parents huge jacuzzi tub last night, I realized I may never leave :) Its nice to be there for a little while. The extra help is amazing!

Last photo of our first house!

Hannie helping with the move! This girl will sweep all day!

We got out of our closing alot quicker than we thought and headed to a quiet dinner to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. I cant believe its been 4 years. They have gone by fast but we have so many awesome memories. This time 4 years ago we were getting ready to leave for Jamaica! I wish I could say we were doing that this year! Maybe for our 5 year anniversary. It was an awesome trip and I just love each year even more. Every year brings something new and exciting and Im already looking forward to next year :)

Hannah also turned 21 months yesterday. Talk about FAST! That girl is the funniest child Ive ever met. I know, Im biased. But she just keeps us laughing. And she is so darn sweet and beautiful. Its music to my ears when I tell her I love her and she says, "wuv u" back. It makes all the long nights, tears and hard work worth it. Im so thankful for her and my hubby for being the best dad to her. I couldnt ask for a better husband or father to our daughter. He's amazing.

Onto the weekend. The week after vacation is by far the LONGEST week ever. Im so glad its Friday! We are going to Hubers tomorrow and relaxing on Sunday! We need to get my parents house in order- there are suitcases everywhere! Im ready to settle in to a new routine- moving was rough!

I hope everyone has a great weekend- Im really hoping we havent lost our fall weather!!

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