Owen kicked off being 5 months old with a double ear infection...poor little guy!! But I will have to say- even though I knew he didnt feel good, we assumed it was a nasty cold or allergies- you would have never known it was his ears. I was shocked when he said both ears. I guess our kids are just blessed with bad ears :( Lets go ahead and get those tubes in NOW! Ha ha! He has not been sleeping well for the past 3 weeks (Im so tired, I feel like I have a newborn again) but I guess we can attribute most of that to this cold and now his ears. Im so glad I took him in because Im hoping this antibiotic will work and we will start sleeping past 1:15 am!! I think our problem now is that since he started waking with the sniffles I would just go ahead and feed him cause its easy and it usually put him back to sleep. Well now he thinks 1 am and 4 am its time to eat! Not sure how we will get out of this habit! I know it wont last forever, it just feels like it sometimes.
Even though we had to go, I was glad to get Owen's weight- he is 17.6 pounds! He is on the Hannah track- ha ha!
These days- at 5 months old he is:
17.6 pounds
Size 3 diapers
Clothes- 6 months are pretty snug so mostly 9 month clothes
Rolling to his side- hasnt mastered rolling over yet
Eating 4.5 ounces every 3-4 hours. He really only gets bottles at daycare so Im not sure how much he usually takes in. At daycare he eats 3 4.5 oz bottles. I know he is definitely not starving!
He is cooing and talking all over the place!
I love watching him stare at his hands. That has always fascinated me about babies. I wonder what they are thinking as they watch this big hand come towards their faces!
I cant say he is sleeping through the night anymore but he was!
He loves the excersaucer and grabs onto everything. When I take pictures of him with my phone there is always an arm in the way cause he is reaching up at me.
He also LOVES pulling Hannah's hair. Which she cries and says, "I dont like that!" I usually laugh even though I shouldnt :)
He is still so calm and patient. Im SO thankful for such a great baby. He has blessed us in so many amazing ways. Even with a double ear infection he has been SO sweet!!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 day ago
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