WOW! We have reached 35 weeks, which leaves us with 35 days left! (Maybe!) The rate this chunker is growing we will see! I think reality is starting to set in as I walk past her stroller/carseat in the kitchen, the pack-n-play in our room (it has an adorable bassinett feature that we will use for the first few weeks), or just looking into her room. Or maybe the mounds of her laundry that we have already done so she can wear all her adorable things when she arrives! We do so much laundry now, I cant imagine how much we will have when she's here. We had our tour of the Labor and Delivery floor last week and that was pretty neat to see where Hannah will arrive. All the rooms look really nice, and they even have a nice pull out chair/love seat for Jeremy to sleep on :) I feel like we have done about everything we can to prepare for we just need HER! I am getting really excited and VERY Ready! Especially when I wake up at 3 am and can hardly roll out of bed because my back hurts so bad. I will say that really has been one of my biggest problems. Despite the first 11 weeks, I shouldn't complain too much. It just gets so hard to move as you get bigger. Doing everyday tasks are a little challenging! Here is a pic of me at 35 weeks...YIKES!
What do you mean YIKES??!! You look FABULOUS honey!! i can't believe you only have 5 weeks left... your sooo close!!
YOU LOOK GREAT! Better than i did!!!!
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