Saturday, August 13, 2011

biggest girl I know!

Hannah has been doing alot of big girl things lately- climbing into the carseat entirely on her own, feeds herself her breakfast all by herself with minimal mess, points to herself and says "hannah" (sounds like a mixture between Nana and Banana) but she knows who SHE is! She points to the neighbors golden retrievers and says "Ruby", and she will go into a dark bathroom, close the door, and knock while we play the "where's Hannah?" game. She loves it. As I know she is getting bigger, smarter, and more independent its still tugs at my heart to know she is not a baby anymore. She will never be as little as she was last week, or yesterday even. But Friday sealed the deal- her teacher in school told me she was moving to the next classroom- a little early. They said she is really smart and picks up on things so well that she needs longer circle time and needs to start learning things like, shapes. Shapes??? But shes a BABY!?!? So she is moving on- like Wednesday. I was not prepared for this. I wanted to squeeze her and was so proud of her but then I held back tears as I realized this was just another milestone. I felt so happy for her and just down right proud of my daughter. It seems like something so little to be so excited about but I felt at that moment exactly how I know I will feel when she makes straight A's or makes the cheerleading team (knowing Hannah she will want to play Rugby or lacrosse! Ha ha). But I just could not have hugged her harder. She's a big girl now. As much as we LOVE watching her learn new things or understanding everything we say its hard to believe how big she is. Sometimes I pick her up and hold her like a baby- she hates it. But today its the closest I will get to how she was 18 months ago. So soft, cuddly and snuggly. She is still so soft, not so cuddly or snuggly but she is all mine and I couldnt be more proud of her :) We have our moments (lots of them) like when I need to go upstairs and walk away for a minute into a quiet room but I wouldnt trade any of this for anything in the world. She couldnt make me happier or more proud : )

1 comment:

Grandmommy & Gramps said...

Dear Hannah,
I remember last summer as I enjoyed taking care of you last summer. I dreamed ahead to the times when we would take a walk, read books, cook, color and write (big line down!!) and now that time is here... and like your Mommy, I want to go back! Like the first time we saw you roll over, your first smiles, steps, and official first word, "bubble." But we have also been dreaming of these days, too. You are the best thinng that has happened to me since 1990, 1984, 1982, and 1981! Love Granmommy and Gramps