We started working with Hannah on sippy cups a couple months before she turned one- it wasnt very easy- she wasnt really impressed. (Does she know how many pieces are in a dr browns bottle?!?), so we gradually gave her water in a sippy cup with snacks and it usually ended on the floor. Once she started milk we started giving that to her in a sippy cup...not very easy. I should own stock in playtex sippy cups- Ive tried so many different styles and again- they all end up on the floor. Once she switched over to the big kids room they only get a sippy cup of water with snack and milk at lunch time. She has done very well with this. And just this morning I thought we finally had it- she gulped down a big cup of milk in her sippy! Most mornings she doesn't drink very much with breakfast- but she might not be thirsty either. So I thought tonight might be the night- we would give her a bath, get her all cozy in our lap for her night cap and she'd be out like a light. W R O N G!! Jeremy went down to fix the sippy cup of milk- as soon as he stepped in the room with it- she realized what was going on and LOST IT! I mean full blown tantrum- crying until she wasnt making a sound. I had to laugh a little bit but you would have thought we told her she could never have her paci again (Oh...wait...thats going to be just as hard!). Ive never seen this tiny little girl throw such a big fit!! I told her I didnt realize she had turned two...Yikes- we are in for it!!
I guess if at first you dont succeed, try, try again! And we will....and Im sure tomorrow night will end up the same way.
Its going to be a while before we try to get rid of the paci!
at least she enjoyed spaghetti and green beans!
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