We just celebrated this PRECIOUS little dude's first birthday on Wednesday! I cant even believe he is one. So much has changed this past year and Im so thankful he is ours and we get to do this with him. He has a smile that lights up any room and more importantly my heart. He truly melted my heart from the beginning...he is a true mamma's boy! I guess thats why he hates his own bed :) I totally failed in the sleep training department. BUT he is only a baby for so long so I will enjoy all the cuddling I get. He has changed drastically in the last couple of weeks. He is learning so many new things and really becoming a little person, not a baby. I have squeezed and kissed him so many times today. I just cant get enough. He is a happy, smiley, loveable little guy. He only gets mad when you take something from him. That really bothers him! Or when he decides he is hungry and doesnt get to eat right away. He and Hannah are a joy to watch together. She can be pretty rough with him. Every time I go to tell her to stop wrestling with him, he is always laughing. He rarely cries when she practically body slams him- I figure he better toughen up. She plays rough!
We have recently started putting him down in his crib for bed at night and most naps too. Bedtime bootcamp for this sweet little guy. He hates his crib- he will cry as soon as you walk in his room. But after a week of doing this, last night I laid him in his bed and didnt even cry. Of course, I just put him down for a nap and he cried for about 10 minutes. But, this is better than the 45 minutes he cried the first night. Since we dont have anyone to babysit the kids or give us any relief, after both kids are in bed is about the only time we have to watch tv, talk without being interrupted or just sit quietly. So we were ready to get Owen into his own bed. We are making progress!
We had his 12 month appointment yesterday and he weighed 23 pds 4 oz and was 30.5 inches long. I guessed 25 pounds, Jeremy guessed 27! We were way off. He just feels so heavy but he was actually a tad smaller than Hannah at a year, but longer than her. And he doesnt have near the rolls or the hair that she had!
At one year he officially has 4 teeth broken through! It was a process, let me tell ya!
He is in size 4 diapers- probably need to move up to size 5.
He wears 18-24 month clothes
Usually goes to bed between 8-8:30 and wakes around 7. He is still waking once in the night and I know we should break him of that but the princess is right across the hall and once you wake her up- its almost harder. Jeremy leaves for work around 4 am so there are some nights I have both of them in bed with me.
I think we have broken him of nursing in the middle of the night but sometimes its just easier and puts him right back to sleep- and I like to sleep :)
When he is hungry or needs me he will crawl around and follow me saying, "mamamamamama" its sad and precious at the same time.
He isnt walking yet but is crusing around everything. He has stood for a few seconds alone but isnt ready to take the first step.
He will pretty much eat anything we give him and is doing well with a sippy cup.
this kids LOVES music. I catch him dancing in the back seat all the time. he is clapping, laughing, or bouncing up and down. We have nightly dance parties. Hannah loves the cha cha slide so we play that and they both dance. Sometimes I do too....but its not pretty :)
We are getting better with a routine...still not perfected but I dont think there is such a thing. He usually naps around 10-11 in the mornings- lately its only been for about 45 minutes. Then needs another nap around 3 or 4 before dinner.
He loves baths and water in general. We have a little pool out back that he will sit in with Hannah. I love bath time cause it keeps them both in once place :)
He is a truly happy little boy and I just fall more in love with him everyday. Its bittersweet because Im not ready to let my baby go. I watch how fast Hannah has grown up and I just want it to stop. But I also cant wait to see the little boy he becomes. Hannah is so funny and fun at this age, there are so many things I love about it but also it can be a big challenge. Lets hope he isnt as strong willed.....Im not sure I can handle two of those :)
We love you sweet Owen. You changed our life in so many ways. Your smile melts my heart every single time.
His first cinnamon roll for birthday breakfast!
Birthday dinner!
We had a little birthday party for him which Ill upload more pictures later. Hannah had the most fun :)
12 month check up! Happy, then tired of waiting!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 day ago
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