Wednesday, June 6, 2012

a weekend full of animals!

We enjoyed a fun filled family weekend! which included LOTS of animals!! Jeremy was off work Saturday morning which never happens so it was wonderful to say the least. There wasnt much rest this weekend- we spent the time entertaining our very busy two year old. Saturday morning was a beautiful morning so we headed to the zoo. It was a gorgeous day and we all had a great time! We came home, made some lunch and put Hannah down for her nap. Jeremy and I crashed on the couch with our sweet little dude sleeping next to us.
 crashed on the way home from the zoo in the middle of showing us a picture she colored at school. crazy girl.
After we got up we decided to get out of the house again and take Hannah to feed the ducks at a place nearby that has some beautiful ponds. She is very interested in all animals and loves it even more when she can get close to them. That girl is brave! She would get as close as she could to hissing geese which scared me! She loved tearing the bread into pieces and finding the perfect duck to give it to.  We came home and grilled out some delicious burgers- a recipe I found on Pinterest is suppose to be a copycat recipe for In n Out burgers (which is the best burger ever made) and they were pretty darn good!! We got Hannah down for the night and crashed early ourselves. Owen is having some reflux issues and has been a little fussy while he is eating and usually after his 4 or 5 am feeding he has a hard time going back to sleep. Makes for a tired momma!

this girl LOVES her daddy!!
Sunday I got breakfast in bed from two of my favorite people :) Hannah ate most of my french toast but thats what its all about! We got ready and headed to Henry's Ark. Its kind of random but if your kids love animals its worth the trip and getting a little dirty. Its out in Prospect and is a free farm to visit that is filled with all kinds animals. We took a box of crackers and fed ducks, deer, zebras, goats, pigs, llamas, camels and even a huge elk! Jeremy said he though I had the most fun. ha ha! Hannah was too nervous to feed some of the bigger animals but that girl LOVES ducks. She would get so close that even Jeremy and I were a little nervous! We headed to lunch with our little family and all came home and napped. It felt SO good!
I told you it was a weekend FILLED with animals. Im discovering its one of the only things that actually keeps her attention. She wont sit for a movie, the splash park isnt really her cup of tea but she sure does love animals!

she was braver than me!

I cant say that Ive really ever seen a peacock fan out its feathers like this. what a beautiful sight!!
even Owen got in on the action!
Hannah's favorite book is "Llama Llama Red Pajamas" so it was only fitting that we take a picture with the Llamas. Weirdest looking animals!

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