Monday, July 23, 2012

weekend happenings!

this weekend was so nice! Friday we just stayed in....with two young kids that's usually what we do these days. We love eating out but that is near impossible with Hannah and because she goes to bed so early we usually cant meet up with friends because they like to eat around her bedtime. So we spend alot of quality time together in the playroom :) Saturday Jeremy worked- he works every Saturday and sometimes Sundays :( I know its the dumbest thing to be sad about because I am BEYOND thankful he doesnt travel or have a job that he stays late at (and Im of course thankful he has a job!) but most people take for granted having their hubby on weekend mornings. By the time he does get home Im practically exhausted from keeping up with the two kids! I decided to take a chance on Saturday morning and take them both to McD's for breakfast. A real treat around here! Usually on Saturdays I havent even showered or gone to the bathroom alone until the afternoon rolls around! Ha ha! I had several conversations with Hannah about how she had to be good for me cause we were going to get a yogurt with nuts (yogurt with granola- she loves that!) she agreed with me and for the most part she really was good! I was proud of her. I think she had fun too :) This was the FIRST time I have taken both kids somewhere alone. Next time we might just do the drive through. Carrying the tray full of food and hot coffee, Owens carseat, my huge diaper bag and making sure Hannah was by my side was a little hard. My mom tells stories of when she would fly from KY to CA alone with me and Adam- we are 16 months apart. She is supermom! Anyways- Hannah enjoyed her yogurt with nuts and I enjoyed her sweet company!

That night our friends came over- their little girl and Hannah are about 5 months apart and love playing together. They are so shy at first and then they warm up to eachother. Hannah will talk about playing with Emma for a week! They had a blast in the tee pee and sharing tons of snacks. Hannah slept until 8:15 that next morning- it was nice for us all!
 they even have matching pj's :)
 This little dude is just an awesome baby. I love that he loves to snuggle and I am LOVING his sleeping habits. I know that no schedule is set in stone with a new baby or any child for that matter but Friday and Saturday night he slept 9 hours. AWESOME! We put him down between 9:30 and 10 and he sleeps between 6 to 9 hours. Anything more than 4 feels great!
  Sunday Jeremy had to work again but when he got home we decided to be productive. While Hannah was napping we cleaned up the garage which feels great. Im no longer tripping over boxes and tools just to get the kids in the car. Then my sweet little brother came over to watch Hannah for us so we could grab a quiet dinner out. It was so nice. We really needed it! Then when we got home we decided to work in the man cave also known as the basement :) I think once football season rolls around Jeremy will spend alot more time down there! I enjoyed the change of scenery too!
Last week my mom and I wrapped up the dining room and Im in love with it! We dont need a formal dining room with china or anything so its just nice to have the space to be able to entertain. Its got a rustic, antique, vintagey feel to it. My new favorite!
We found this at Home Goods on sale and just put a coat of black paint on it and it looks great. Its actually a potting bench- not for me!
We found some new pieces for the walls which Im so happy with. Here's the overall look of the room.
 we found this old antique tool box at the peddlers mall- one of my favorite places!

 this was from Home Goods too- we just painted the candle holders black and I love them on either side of the windows. I saw the mason jars on Very Jane and decided to save the money and make them myself- I really like how they turned out. We have a ton of wine corks because my grandparents at 89 and 94 love their evening wine :)

 And we also found the piece above at Home Goods- see why I love that place! And fell in love with the look of it. I love door knobs etc. Such a fun piece!
This is my latest project- I saw on Pinterest someone had pinned this but it was for sale on Etsy for like $20 and knew I could make it for next to nothing. All it cost me was $5 for the freezer paper. I googled how to print on Burlap and talk about easy!! I just had to get freezer paper and read the instructions. I am in LOVE with it. This will be my new go to gift for a wedding or even Christmas ideas. I am going to get a larger matted frame for it but I wanted to throw it in a frame and see how it looks!

And lastly- a few new things in our bedroom- I was so proud of myself...I made these pillows. We found a set of 4 placemats at Home Goods (SHOCKER!) for $12.99 and I knew I could monogram them and make pillows. I sewed them all by myself- I was so proud :) I refuse to pay the price of pillows so I was very happy with the outcome!

I also got some curtains from Target which matched my quilt and new lampshades perfectly. They might not look blue but they are a light blue- they make the room feel so much more cozy and inviting!
Ok total picture overload! Have a great week! This is my last week home with my little man- Im going to make the best of it!!!

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