Sunday, July 3, 2011

where have I been?

Ive been updating my new blog so much Ive been forgetting about this one! We've been busy though- I thought June was my slow month...turns out it was busy but fun! Im hoping July will slow down, but if its busy too that's ok!
We've had a couple more house showings since the terrible offer...I guess it just makes for a clean house. Ive been taking some pictures for some friends, that's always fun for me! We have 2 first birthday parties this weekend and we have some family in town from Virginia, California and Mississippi! We are looking forward to a relaxing cookout at my parents house on Monday to celebrate the 4th. Then a short work week- nothing better than that!
I LOVE this girl. I mean she is so juicy I could just eat her up!!! She has been battling her eye teeth for what feels like forever. So we have had some off nights but the last two mornings she has woken up so happy and delicious. I know she hates how much I kiss her :)

the birthday girl!

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