Don't you love this sleeping child- sleeping right next to her "No Hitting" book. Love her beyond words!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
33 weeks & a little disclaimer about Mr. Frog
I have to add this disclaimer because people have been telling me that as they listen to this story they are just on the edge of their seat thinking Mr. Frog is actually ALIVE and the class pet. I laugh to think that they would send a live frog home with 2 year olds but I can see where my story is misleading. So as you can see, Mr. Frog is very much a stuffed animal and thankfully our dog did not eat a real frog. I think a live frog could have actually been easier to replace because Mr. Frog's tag said 1995. There was no way we were going to find Mr. Frog at any local retailer. So no...we did not super glue a real frog...but it does make the story that much funnier!
Anyways- onto 33 weeks! Im FEELING IT! Each day I get more aches and pains I never knew existed. I just flew through Hannah's pregnancy so easy and worked right up until I was induced. I think I literally just crawl into bed every night and lay in the one position that doesnt hurt. Im not sure why Im so achy this time around because I know Im not huge but I know that Im bigger this time around than with Hannah. That could be it! But this little boy makes me so hungry ALL THE TIME :)
Im looking so forward to seeing him again next week- hopefully we get some more face shots. I love seeing his chubby little cheeks. I looked back on some of my old blog posts and Hannah weighed 4 pds 4 oz at 31.5 weeks so they are very similar in growth. Im expecting a 9-10 pound baby...I would be shocked with anything less!
As much as I enjoy all the little things about pregnancy Im already getting to that point where Im very excited to be able to drink a VERY LARGE unsweet tea from McCallisters again. I havent deprived myself but I also dont go and get a huge tea that I crave almost every day! There isnt much else that Im craving or missing. I just really cant wait to see his sweet face. To look at a newborn again and just hold and snuggle him until I cant anymore!
Im thinking with a second baby that I will definitely try to take in the newborn stage as much as I can. When you have a wild toddler running around you never get in any snuggle time. So I cant wait to hold a baby that wont tell me NO :) Even though I snatch Hannah up daily and kiss her until I cant kiss her anymore :) She usually doesnt like it!!
And back to this past weekend- we had a nice one! Not as productive as the weekend before but it did feel good to sit around and be kinda lazy! Friday was my half day and I had lunch with some of my favorite girls, then went to the Peddlers Mall to look for some pieces for the dining room. I know the way I want it to look but cant find the right pieces. In the middle of shopping there was another tornado warning & pouring rain. Always on my half days! That night we got alot done around the house. Unpacking and organizing- much needed!
Saturday we had Hannah's gymboree class, came home and cleaned up some. My sister and Matt came in town on Saturday and we just enjoyed an evening of yummy food, basketball and letting Hannah entertain us. What she does best! Sunday we pretty much did the same thing but we did get a little more done. Hannah was on her best behavior for them- I guess its only us that she throws MAJOR tantrums for. She knows we will always love her no matter what :) I got some cute pictures of her this weekend- of course they were all on my phone- I havent pulled out my camera in ages. I hate that but Hannah wont sit for the life of me. And as I get bigger its a little harder to move around and capture that sweet little face!
We dont have too much planned this week. Hoping to get some things done in the yard- it was in rough shape! And of course lots to do around the house. Thats about all we do these days but we have a deadline and we better meet it!
Talk about a DIVA!! We are in trouble!!
Is she a mess or what! This is that adorable bathing suit I ordered & she kept it on for a brief second. Don't mind all the house mess in the back of all my pics. It's a constant work in progress!
Linds & Matt took Hannah shopping & she was very proud of her new little hat & her new book. I'm so glad that she loves to read. She has to take like 3 books to bed with her. I'd love to be a fly on the wall!
Sorry for all my super long blog posts! I have a great app on my phone which makes blogging from anywhere easy!!!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Mr. Frog
Last Thursday (after one of the hardest weeks EVER with Hannah) we got a note in her cubby that said she was the STAR student of the week and gets to take home Mr. Frog for having such great behavior! I know my child is sweet and kind and loving and really is a good girl but sometimes just not for us. I guess thats how it works! Anyways- I was very proud of her!! So Friday we got to take him home. Hannah was very proud to have Mr. Frog ride home in the car with her. They told us to make sure we take pictures of Hannah's weekend with Mr. Frog and then on Monday he gets a bath! I thought the idea was so cute!
So Friday we took him and home and made sure he was upstairs so there would be no chance that Ruby would get him. Because that afternoon- while we were all sitting on the deck, Ruby got Hannah's little black jacket that I loved AND her yellow bunny for a second time. This time- his surgery might have to be pretty intense. So that night we put Hannah to bed and worked on organizing my craft and we were taking boxes and things up and down the stairs. Well...I guess I moved the gate because there was no sign of Ruby downstairs. I RAN straight up stairs and there she was. On our bed- with Mr. Frog in between her paws. I wanted to just scream because I had no idea how I would explain this to the it is the first week with Mr. Frog and he dies at the paws of our dog. So I quicky grabbed the frog and realize she had only had a chance to chew the eye. My mom at this point is laughing HYSTERICALLY because from her perspective- as a teacher she thinks its so funny. I mean, Im sure we arent the only family that has a dog that would do this. Ok...maybe we do! After looking a little closer we realize that Mr. Frog's eye can be re-attached with super glue and look almost like new. No explanation needed! I was relieved I would not have to tell her teacher or classmates what happened but we did laugh for a long time about this on Friday. That darn dog- she is so bad!!! Here are some pictures of Hannah and Mr. Frogs weekend together.
Enjoying a little snack during the UK game!
Mr. Frog's trip to target!
Excited to take him home!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
taking a step back
My mom sent me this blog article last night which I just read. It was something I needed to read this week after many trying evenings with Hannah. When people ask how old she is, we always tell them she is two and REDEFINING two. I ask my mom out of the four kids who is she most like...(I knew the answer to this question) and its definitely Alex. Sorry Alex! But no really, I was 8 when Alex was born so I remember his terrible twos, and three's and fours. Stubborn, strong willed, independent. You name it. But of course we love this child more than life itself...there are just some nights that 7:45 sounds really good for a bed time. For me and her. The past couple of nights have been no exception. Lets just say it starts right about the time I pull out of daycare. I either dont have the right snack, the song isnt right (even when I turn on the exact song she asks for), the sun is in her eyes or you name it. It could be a million things. But this girl knows her mind and she knows what she wants and wont take anything else. The minute we walk in the door there is usually a melt down because her pre-dinner snack is not the one she wants. Whew. It doesnt take much to set her off. I dont know if its because she is two, or that her molars might be bothering her, or that she might have a small case of low blood sugar and she needs a snack but whatever it is, we pay for it! I bought pediasure this week to give her that boost of protien she needs right as she walks in the door and Im not even sure strawberry flavored pediasure works. She's never really had anything other than milk and water so I thought she'd love it. Only on her time I guess. So anyways...the point of my post- not to sit here and talk about how hard some nights are and how I could cry that the BEST part of her day is spent with someone else (talk about working mothers guilt!) but I liked this article because as wrapped up as I get in trying to turn Hannah into a very well behaved two year old and figure out how Jeremy and I should parent and discipline our children, it felt good to read that sometimes we just need a breather. To step back and instead of automatically disciplining or getting so wrapped up in a stressful situation. Sometimes the situation might best be handled by truly realizing how lucky we are to have a beautiful, healthy toddler that may throw a {huge} fit from time to time. Or how lucky I am to have such an awesome, hardworking husband, and a beautiful new house and food on our table. Are we perfect parents? By NO means. Does Hannah sometimes eat breakfast in front of the TV? Guilty as charged. I know we wont ever be perfect but we will do the best we can to raise our kids in a loving, happy home. The most important thing should be connecting with our kids and Jeremy. Everything else can wait. Even on our most tired days, which I feel like I am tapped out when I get off work and I know some of my most tired days are to come. But making my family a priority should be my priority.
Not sure if this article will touch anyone else but we all have those moments where things get so stressful that sometimes walking away or just taking a huge breather is a much better remedy than trying to tell a 2 year old she needs to sit in time out- sometimes its not worth the fight! Next time, Im just going to go over and give her a big fat hug. That will probably make her even more mad :)
Hello 32 weeks!
I cannot believe how soon May 8th will be here. Time is literally flying by (well except from 8-4 when Im at work!) but every other hour of the day comes and goes very quickly!
I am feeling full on preggo right now- as two people from work told me on Monday that Im waddling. JUST what you want to hear as youre walking down the hallway. I dont think I have a full on waddle yet- just some serious discomfort from my back pain. Thats where my waddle comes from! Ha ha! But really I am feeling much bigger. My wedding right no longer fits from my poor swelling hands. They arent super swollen- just enough. I am feeling alot hotter than usual and we had to turn the air on! I just couldnt take it any longer. Ive been trying to hold out as LONG as possible because I am not sure how expensive it will be to cool this 3600 sq ft house. When I open the LG&E bill Ill need to remember how hot I was last night :)
This morning was great! We got to see him in an ultrasound and she said he is around 4 pds 4 oz. I was like, WHAT?!? For some reason that sounded pretty big for a baby at 32 weeks. She said Im measuring right on 32 weeks though. We shall see :) She also said he has thick hair- just like Hannie! I cant wait to see his little head of hair. Gosh we already love him so much. For a while I was so nervous about running out of time with so much to do but now Im getting so ready to meet him. I know its going to be hard with two and all those long sleepless nights but I cant wait to have another baby around. We could barely get a glimpse of his face. By the time she was going to turn it to the 3D ultrasound his face was towards the back. At the beginning we got a quick shot of his face and I thought he looked pretty cute and chubby :)
I think Hannah is coming around to the idea of the baby. She has been really sweet with her babies lately. I mean even very concerned that her babies have a stinky diaper. Ha ha! She always sniffs their bottoms and tells me they need a diaper change. That girl is SOMETHING ELSE! However I think she is going to be pretty bossy :) The other day my mom got a HUGE bag of clothes from one of her parents that had twin boys. I mean this bag was filled with tons of Janie and Jack, Olive Juice and Gap clothes with all the tags on. Some adorable stuff! As we were going through the bag, Hannah would grab something and run and show Jeremy and say, "Dada Wook!!!! Baby!"Gosh it was so cute. Overall, our little man looks awesome and it was great to see him! Hopefully we will get to see him in two more weeks again!
Monday, March 19, 2012
What a {productive} weekend!
We had a great weekend and really got alot done. All the credit goes to my amazing husband and mother who literally worked ALL day every day trying to get this house in order! I just cant thank my mom enough because she really sacrifices her whole weekend to help us. Without them working so hard we would be much farther behind. Its amazing how many projects are still left to do. Maybe we took on too much but it just had to be done! My goal is to get it all done now because once May gets here we have other things going on, to say the least! I feel very helpless because Im not very handy. Well, not handy at all. After Hannah went to sleep Saturday night I was going to help my mom paint the master bath and with my first roll I got paint on the floor and all over my hands. I was fired from the job! My mom calls me the supervisor...I just know where I want things and how I want them to look!
So lets see, Friday we took the night off and had dinner at my grandparents house with the whole fam. Alex was going back to school this weekend so I needed to get in so quality time with him :) Saturday Hannah and I went to her gym class and she crashed shortly after. I know most people think Im crazy when I act so surprised and beyond excited that Hannah is now napping again in her crib but we went through 4 really hard months of having to lay with her for every nap or sometimes no naps. So getting Hannah done very easily is just a dream again. I know that girl has always loved her sleep and sometimes she will even tell you she likes her bed :) She is sleeping for about 2.5 hours during her naps- my little sleeper! (Does this mean we are going to pay for it this time around??) Sunday when I went in to check on her at 3:00 she was just laying in her bed rubbing her bunny's ears. I peeked over the crib and she just gave me the biggest smile. She wakes up very sweet and happy!
Saturday Jeremy started priming the fireplace...I went back and forth on painting it. My fear was that you cant un-paint brick and how would it look, etc. But we decided to go for it because the red brick was just too much for that room. Im very happy we did because its looking really good! My mom and I worked on decorating some things. Something I havent even thought of until this weekend. We've been so focused on getting projects done that decorating was last on my list! My mom, the saint that she is, was ready to paint the master bath. She did the entire thing Saturday night and talk about a makeover! I cant wait for before and after pictures of that room.
Hannah loved helping- which usually meant tossing her cheese its into the paint!
I really need to do a better job of taking more pictures of the before's & afters- we get going & I forget. We might just have a bunch of after pics!
I was able to get out of the house to run and get a pedicure that night- my feet were in desperate need! I rarely get pedicures but they were rough! And considering its now going to be in the 70's I needed to get my feet ready for sandals! It was a really nice and relaxing treat!
Sunday we worked on so many more projects and got some more decorations up. Jeremy worked really hard to finish more of the fireplace and seed the yard. Our yard is in rough shape but I know Jeremy can turn it around. Its just finding the time!!
Ok- so enough of our weekend. We head into another week which I hope is full of more accomplished projects and we get to see our little man in an ultrasound on Wednesday! I cant wait to see how he is doing! I was in some serious pain this weekend. It started Friday with alot of sciatic nerve pain. I had that with Hannah but do not remember it being this bad. I could barely move. That night I really thought I was going to end up in the ER because I was in so much pain and so uncomfortable I felt like this baby was coming way too early! Saturday the pain was just torture really, I could barely walk or get up without cringing. Everything I read said to lay on the opposite side of the pain- thats pretty much impossible with a 2 year old running around. But by Sunday morning I felt so much better. The only thing I can think is that maybe he was turning this weekend and thats why I was in the pain I was in. We'll see on Wednesday!!
I hope everyone has a great week!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
31 weeks & no paci naps!
We've reached 31 weeks and I am feeling it!! I feel so big and I am moving alot slower these days. I dont feel like this "stage" hit this early with Hannah. Maybe he is just going to be a big little boy. I really am thinking he will be bigger than Hannah. My doctor is convinced too. Oh MY!! How could he possibly be bigger than 9.6 pds. Im so worried about clothing and the sizes because Im pretty sure he wont fit in to newborn clothes for long! But since it will be summer I know he will spend alot of time in onesies just lounging around the house with me :)
I know my weight gain has definitely picked up- I can feel it! But Im just so hungry all the time. Im not sure how I will do these next 8 weeks but I feel like Ive done good so far, Im afraid its going to catch up with me! Overall Im feeling pretty good. I get full & miserable very fast but then Im hungry shortly after. Ha ha! Im getting a little more tired than in the 2nd trimester and Im getting more sleep- how is that possible?
Im so looking forward to seeing his sweet sweet face next week. I go on Wednesday for an ultrasound which I dont mind doing at all!
Im getting a little nervous about all the details after he is born. I know we will have a ton of help with Hannah but I cant help but worry about her while we are in the hospital for 4 days. And then I get nervous about that first week home when I cant drive, getting her to daycare, and just trying to be a new mom all over again! It will all work out Im sure :)
Daycare has been working with H on not using her paci during nap time. We talked about it and I thought if they were brave enough to take it away from her then more power to them! She has done AWESOME! Monday and Tuesday they said her paci was taking a nap in her cubby and she slept great both days without it. I even think she would do awesome without it at home at bedtime. However, our biggest challenge. The Car!! That girl just LOVES her paci, bunny and music for every car ride. We will just have to pick our battles. Its no fun listening to that crying when you are driving all the time. We might have to replace the paci with snacks but that makes for another bad habit and a messy car. Oh wait- I already have that. Anyways- Ill keep you posted on our paci progress- pray it goes well! We are just glad we are past the bedtime hurdle and she is now sleeping peacefully in her crib every night. The last two nights its been 8:15 and hasnt made a peep until we wake her sleepy head up!!
Monday, March 12, 2012
My graceful gymnast
We had a very nice weekend! Friday was my half day which is ALWAYS wonderful! I dont know what I would do if I had to work every Friday until 5. I am very lucky to get every other Friday off at noon. Its just a nice little perk to look forward to. So this Friday I went and bought a little housewarming present to ourselves- ha ha! I bought a Kuerig- which is amazing by the way! Its so fast and easy- whoever invented it must have been a woman with kids! I also got some serious organizing done in our bedroom and closet. That night my little brother came in town for the week (we are so happy to have him home for a week!) and we ordered pizza and worked on a few projects- there is always something to be done!! Saturday Hannah and I went to her first Gymboree play and music class. She had a great time and really enjoyed running around on all the fun things they had there. We plan on hitting the Open Gym a couple times just to get the energy out :) That afternoon we came home and attempted our first nap in the crib in months. Probably like 4 months. Yes seriously- that long. I know- dont judge- but when we were at my parents house it was just easier to let her lay in our bed or she would even nap with Gramps. But since we have been in our house we have decided we would really try and stick to a better schedule since new baby will be here in 8 weeks- HOLY COW. So we knew she was SOOOO tired but sometimes that doesnt stop the crying. Jeremy took her upstairs and she was mad. Poor girl threw everything out of her crib- paci, bunny, blankets and just cried and cried. Then we heard a loud sound and I for sure thought she climbed out. No, it was just her shaking her crib. Ha ha! Then it got very quiet and she crashed. That girl slept for 2.5 hours. I got alot done! We know that girl loves her bed but it just takes her a minute to realize :) Sunday we had a birthday party for a little girl in her class. We've been to lots of birthday parties for her friends but not a daycare friend. Hannah and Victoria are BEST friends at school. The teachers tell me they even fight like sisters. Ha ha! It was held at KGA which is a gymnastics studio and Hannah LOVED it! She loved the trampoline, the balance beams, and all the other fun things. She could have played for hours. My hubby is the best because he came with even though it was right during the middle of the UK game. But I think it was worth it to see our graceful little gymnast. Lets just say she might be better off in something like soccer or tball. Ha ha! Jeremy got a funny video of her walking on the balance beam- or should I say falling off of it! I'm going to try and upload it but I never have luck with videos.I hope this works!!
She is eyeing that cake!
She dove in! Can you tell we never give her sweets! Ha ha!
We also took the potty out of the box and let Hannah "try" it. Let me just say I think she really just enjoyed having her diaper off. She kept saying potty and would sit down and to be honest she seemed VERY serious about it. Like she really looked serious like she was going actually go but then she'd just get up and run around. I think she just liked baring it all. We'll keep trying but we are in no rush. Although only having one in diapers would be great!
Letting baby try the potty!
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We just filled ours with projects and quality family time. We are absolutely loving our new house and so badly want it to be ready to start having friends over. Its just a few weeks away from that! Even Ruby is getting used to it. She hasnt barked through the night since we've been there. You have no idea what a FULL night sleep means to us these days!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Beautiful night with my little family
Last night was such a BEAUTIFUL night! It was the perfect night to get some outdoor projects done and let Hannah run around on the deck (which I absolutely LOVE) because I can cook dinner in the kitchen and leave the door open and let Hannah play on the deck because it has a small gate that she cant open! Its perfect! We took her little table outside and she enjoyed some fruit with her baby. She really enjoyed watching Ruby run down below. That girl LOVES that dog. My parents were SO nice to keep Ruby until Tuesday night and when she came home it was like Hannah's best friend was home. As crazy as Ruby makes me it was really cute. Im really hoping Ruby can turn her behavior around in this house- she has a lot of growing up to do!
Anyways- I made a delicious Pinterest dinner that involved crescent rolls, chicken, cheese and cream of chicken soup. YUM!! Even Hannah had a bite- thats pretty big for her! Its so funny that she would rather eat Gerber meat sticks over a yummy meal like that. Those things gross me out but whatever gets her to eat!
Enjoying some fruit & a view with her baby!
This is an older picture but look how grown up she looks!! Her & her pockets :)
Yesterday I had my 30 week appointment. All is well with little man! I think he is growing very fast and big- I feel like he is going to just climb out of my stomach sometimes. Its like he is pushing against my rib cage saying, get me out of here! Ouch! We get to go back for an ultrasound in two weeks which is exciting. I do love seeing him whenever we can! I feel like Im getting big as a house- Im just starving all the time. I try to eat small snacks throughout the day but I literally end up eating like all day long. Im just ravenous! Oh and I PASSED my glucose test. SO THANKFUL for that! My arms are STILL black but so worth it to know I passed. I did make an oreo chocolate poke cake in honor of my passing last night :) And I wonder why I feel big! Ha!
Im so glad its Thursday! One day closer to the weekend and the weekend brings alot more projects getting done in the house! We figure if we do a few small projects every night we will get alot accomplished in no time! We are dying to have friends over for dinner and to let the kids play but we have alot of work to do before that can happen! Its coming along though and we are just so happy there. We really feel like this was meant to be our home. Hannah is just so happy and Ruby hasnt barked in 2 nights :) We are FINALLY getting a full night sleep with no crying and no barking and that feels AMAZING! We needed a little break before we are up all night again :)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
tornadoes, strep throat and moving in!
Saturday was chilly but sunny and we got so much done! We got both pods unloaded which was my goal for Saturday. Then it was trying to get everything squared away inside. We also picked up our furniture and mattress- which I love the furniture and the way it looks in the house. We got a chair & 1/2 instead of a love seat and its amazing! Its huge! I can see many nights reading to both kiddos in this chair! Saturday was a busy day but we had a little miss who wasnt in the best mood all day. She seemed pretty off but we kept unpacking and trying to keep her happy. But around 8:30 she just seemed a little warm (I feel so bad now cause our thermometer was at my parents house) so I never really took her temperature. Then she was shaking like she had the chills. We just decided since most urgent cares close at 9 we better be safe than sorry and take her. On the way there she was getting so much worse. She was so hot and miserable when we got there. Her temp was 102 and they decided to test her for the flu and strep. Poor baby had strep!! This is the first time she has ever had strep but it seemed consistent with how she was acting all day. We filled her antibiotic and picked up lots of ibuprofen. There was no way we were going to let her fever get higher. Since she's had those seizures we are always in panic mode at the start of any fever with her. But she slept pretty well and and her fever broke in the middle of the night. All day Sunday she was nice and cool. We had alot of projects to get done on Sunday and accomplished alot. Sunday night was our first night just as our little family of three in our new house. It was SO fun to just settle into our new house together. We all woke up this morning beginning our new routines and we had a really good morning. Hannah was in a good mood and we got out of the house in a timely fashion :) I took off today to get some random things done- like restock our kitchen (Hello...EXPENSIVE!) but we had to do it. I plan on trying to get the master under some sort of control and also go through alot of our clothes. My mom knows of a donation site for the small little towns who lost everything. Im glad to do that instead of hauling it all to goodwill.
Speaking of mothers...there is absolutely NO WAY we could have done what we did this weekend without our mothers. Between scrubbing showers, taking care of Hannah, unpacking our kitchen and closets, putting things away and bringing in hundreds of boxes, Jeremy's mom and my mom were so much help I cant even put it into words. My mom always says, you'll do it for your kids. And I know she's right but they devoted so much of their time to us this weekend we are so lucky to have such awesome moms :)
We woke up to almost 4 inches of snow this morning- what crazy weather!! Only in KY does it go from 70 and tornados, to 60 and sunny, to 4 inches of snow. Thankfully the roads were fine and we made it to daycare ok!
I have a few pictures from Saturday and hope to have some after pictures when we finally get this house in order! It is coming along and definitely feels like a home :)
Friday, March 2, 2012
It's finally here!! Are you all sick of me talking about move in weekend?
So onto MUCH more fun topics- with the help of all our family we get to start moving in today! The pods will be delivered this morning and move in weekend will commence!! It will take us a while to get all settled and organized but it will all be FUN stuff! Really the only rooms that need the most attention are the bathrooms because they do look like demo areas but as long as we have one working bathroom thats all we need! The rest will come. My mom and Jeremy stayed over there for a while last night cleaning up some things and getting it ready to start hauling everything in. Im sure you all are tired of hearing how excited I am but I really am. We cant tell you how ready we are to get Hannah back to a routine...Im not going to lie- I think its going to be a rough start! I think she is really going to miss being at my parents house. I think I will too. Always having someone around is nice and fun too!!
Here are a couple pictures from the other night. Ive really enjoyed going over there since the carpet has been installed- its actually a house now!! We even made dinner over there last night- nothing fancy at all! Just some tortellini and even though we ate on the floor it was still fun to eat in our new house :)
We hope to get the pods unloaded at least and get those out of the drive way then we can really start putting things where they need to be. I also got a call yesterday that said our family room furniture was ready and I think I screamed in the mans ear. Ha ha! They said it would be at least 2.5 weeks so I was kinda bummed about that but what perfect timing for move in weekend! I hope to have pictures on Monday...I am taking Monday off to get organized and grocery shop for our new house for the first time! Its the little things :)
Happy Weekend Everyone!